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Catalina Riveros


She is a lawyer specialized in public management and administrative institutions of the University de los Andes, Colombia, with a Masters in Law at the same University (thesis pending). She has worked on formalization issues, protection and restitution of lands and territories for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Social Action Program (Acción Social), the Land Restitution Unit (Unidad de Restitución de Tierras), and Mapp/OEA and USAID. She has worked as a researcher at the National Center for Historical Memory within the research project “Memory research and forced displacement” (Investigación Memoria y Desplazamiento Forzado), where she coordinated the “Destroyed Communities” (Pueblos Arrazados) component. She has taught at the University de los Andes and University Javeriana, and she is a fellow for the Department of State of United States. Currently she works as a researcher at the National Library, under the Apolinar Diaz Callejas Grant and as a consultant for CODHES and the Foundation for Conservation and Sustainable Development.